CW2 Dean Olson, a blackhawk... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:26・
CW2 Dean Olson, a blackhawk... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:27・
Oklahoma National Guard arrives in Louisiana for Hurricane Ida response ▶2:04・
Oklahoma National Guard arrives in Louisiana for Hurricane Ida response ▶0:34・
Oklahoma Guard battalion supports Task Force for upcoming deployment ▶2:08・
Oklahoma Guard battalion supports Task Force for upcoming deployment ▶1:16・
Oklahoma Army National Guard... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:14・
Oklahoma Army National Guard... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶0:10・
Oklahoma Guard's Civil Support Team assists local first responders in full-scale exercise ▶0:44・
Oklahoma Guard's Civil Support Team assists local first responders in full-scale exercise ▶2:03・
Oklahoma Guard aviation unit trains for deployment to Kosovo ▶6:46・
Oklahoma Guard aviation unit trains for deployment to Kosovo ▶0:12・
Your *OKGuard continues to... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:54・
Today we welcome home Soldiers... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:01・
Today we welcome home Soldiers... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:13・
*OKGuard aviation Soldiers... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:08・
Oklahoma National Guard Museum hosts 2023 Veterans Day Ceremony ▶1:48・
Oklahoma National Guard Museum hosts 2023 Veterans Day Ceremony ▶2:02・
Oklahoma Army National Guard promotes first female to general officer ▶0:21・
Oklahoma Army National Guard promotes first female to general officer ▶0:40・
Join the Oklahoma Army National Guard ▶1:07・
Oklahoma National Guard Recruiting and Retention ▶6:24・
Members of your *OKGuard's 63rd... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶0:42・
Members of your *OKGuard's 63rd... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶0:58・
60 Second Service Member with Master Sgt. Andrew Armendariz ▶0:55・
60 Second Service Member with Master Sgt. Andrew Armendariz ▶3:44・
Families fill gymnasium for Oklahoma Guard Soldiers’ deployment ceremony ▶2:43・
Families fill gymnasium for Oklahoma Guard Soldiers’ deployment ceremony ▶0:28・
Oklahoma National Guard Regional Training Institute first in nation to field female mannequins ▶1:04・
Oklahoma National Guard Regional Training Institute first in nation to field female mannequins ▶1:45・
Oklahoma Guardsmen complete narcotics course with local and federal agencies ▶1:45・
Oklahoma Guardsmen complete narcotics course with local and federal agencies ▶2:09・
Task Force Tomahawk kickoff deployment with big farewell ▶1:11・
Welcome home, Soldiers!!!! Soldiers of the 45th Field Artillery Brigade reunited with family and friends today in a touching welcome home cermony at Will Rogers Air National Guard Base in Oklahoma City. *welcomehome *Soldier *homecoming *Artillery *45thfieldartillerybrigade *willrogersairnationalguardbase *Oklahoma *OKGuard *OklahomaNationalGuard *NationalGuard *AlwaysReady *AlwaysThere | Oklahoma National Guard ▶2:25・
Welcome home, Soldiers!!!! Soldiers of the 45th Field Artillery Brigade reunited with family and friends today in a touching welcome home cermony at Will Rogers Air National Guard Base in Oklahoma City. *welcomehome *Soldier *homecoming *Artillery *45thfieldartillerybrigade *willrogersairnationalguardbase *Oklahoma *OKGuard *OklahomaNationalGuard *NationalGuard *AlwaysReady *AlwaysThere | Oklahoma National Guard ▶0:45・
Fit to fight. The Best Warriors kicked off the competition with the Army Combat Fitness Test. *Army *bestwarrior *competition *acft *OKGuard *OklahomaNationalGuard *Oklahoma | Oklahoma National Guard ▶0:58・
Fit to fight. The Best Warriors kicked off the competition with the Army Combat Fitness Test. *Army *bestwarrior *competition *acft *OKGuard *OklahomaNationalGuard *Oklahoma | Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:10・
Oklahoma Army National Guard Soldiers compete in Sergeant Major's and Governor's Twenty Matches ▶1:51・
Oklahoma Army National Guard Soldiers compete in Sergeant Major's and Governor's Twenty Matches ▶0:57・
25 Years Remembered, Reflecting on the Oklahoma City Bombing ▶1:17・
25 Years Remembered, Reflecting on the Oklahoma City Bombing ▶1:00・
Task Force Tomahawk heads to Africa ▶3:01・
Oklahoma National Guard continues state support through re-opening ▶1:01・
Oklahoma National Guard continues state support through re-opening ▶1:19・
What is the Guard | Oklahoma Army National Guard ▶4:39・
TAG Message to the OKNG 8/18/21 ▶9:33・
*OKGuard Capt. Justin Parks... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶0:56・
ON RAPPEL Trust in your buddies and trust in your equipment is essential to success in the *OKGuard. 1st Sgt. Christopher Loney, @45ibct, explains how this training improves morale and readiness for Soldiers. @usarmy @us.nationalguard @nationalguard @okguardrecruiting *NationalGuard *OKGuard *Oklahoma *OklahomaNationalGuard *45thInfantryBrigadeCombatTeam *rappel *rappelling *training *army *military *morale *readiness *BeAllYouCanBe | Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:21・
ON RAPPEL Trust in your buddies and trust in your equipment is essential to success in the *OKGuard. 1st Sgt. Christopher Loney, @45ibct, explains how this training improves morale and readiness for Soldiers. @usarmy @us.nationalguard @nationalguard @okguardrecruiting *NationalGuard *OKGuard *Oklahoma *OklahomaNationalGuard *45thInfantryBrigadeCombatTeam *rappel *rappelling *training *army *military *morale *readiness *BeAllYouCanBe | Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:14・
Oklahoma's Task Force Tomahawk prepares for Africa deployment ▶6:46・
Oklahoma's Task Force Tomahawk prepares for Africa deployment ▶1:54・
Thunder Fit Clinic OKGuard ▶1:08・
A Message to the Force, From the Adjutant General for Oklahoma: ▶0:12・
A Message to the Force, From the Adjutant General for Oklahoma: ▶1:27・
Oklahoma National Guard hosts health and wellness event ▶1:13・
Oklahoma National Guard hosts health and wellness event ▶1:16・
1st Squadron, 180th Cavalry Regiment XCTC 2019 ▶1:01・
OKGuard Show August Teaser.mp4 ▶6:24・
Mic'd Up with Spc. Garza. Get an inside look at the *OKGuard's Governor's Twenty and Sergeant Major's shooting matches with Camp Gruber Training Center's own Spc. Garza. *Oklahoma *OklahomaNationalGuard *OKGuard *NationalGuard *AlwaysReady *AlwaysThere | Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:01・
Mic'd Up with Spc. Garza. Get an inside look at the *OKGuard's Governor's Twenty and Sergeant Major's shooting matches with Camp Gruber Training Center's own Spc. Garza. *Oklahoma *OklahomaNationalGuard *OKGuard *NationalGuard *AlwaysReady *AlwaysThere | Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:54・
Oklahoma Guardsmen have “virtual” sendoff ▶11:44・
Medal of Honor recipient and former OKGuard member returns home ▶0:30・
Medal of Honor recipient and former OKGuard member returns home ▶1:01・
2019 Army National Guard Best Warrior ▶1:21・
63rd Civil Support Team trains with City of Altus ▶1:57・
Learn the Basics: Uniform Edition ▶1:39・
Oklahoma National Guard Recruiting and Retention ▶0:33・
63rd Civil Support Team Competes for title of Best CST ▶2:43・
3 2 1 Let's Jam! It's time for the Governor's 20 shooting match. Shooters from across your *OKGuard are at Camp Gruber Training Center vying be named Oklahoma's Top Shot. Will the top shot be a Soldier from the @45ibct? 90th Troop Command? 45th Field Artillery Brigade? Or will an Airman from @137sow or @138fw take the title? Let us know who you're rooting for, and stay tuned for more shots of the competition! *shooting *shootingsports *topshot *governors20 *Oklahoma *OklahomaNationalGuard *rifle ▶0:27・
3 2 1 Let's Jam! It's time for the Governor's 20 shooting match. Shooters from across your *OKGuard are at Camp Gruber Training Center vying be named Oklahoma's Top Shot. Will the top shot be a Soldier from the @45ibct? 90th Troop Command? 45th Field Artillery Brigade? Or will an Airman from @137sow or @138fw take the title? Let us know who you're rooting for, and stay tuned for more shots of the competition! *shooting *shootingsports *topshot *governors20 *Oklahoma *OklahomaNationalGuard *rifle ▶6:50・
Native American History and *OKGuard history are forever linked by those who serve. "This month we celebrate American Indian and Alaska Natives who serve with great honor, dedication and distinction," said Maj. Warren Queton, a Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma citizen and descendant of the Cherokee and Seminole Nations. "They have built a legacy of courage, professionalism, and selfless service that will inspire future generations." Queton lead a discussion on Native American heritage and traditions duri ▶2:42・
Native American History and *OKGuard history are forever linked by those who serve. "This month we celebrate American Indian and Alaska Natives who serve with great honor, dedication and distinction," said Maj. Warren Queton, a Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma citizen and descendant of the Cherokee and Seminole Nations. "They have built a legacy of courage, professionalism, and selfless service that will inspire future generations." Queton lead a discussion on Native American heritage and traditions duri ▶1:48・
Day 3 of the @us.nationalguard Region V Best Warrior took Spc. Holcomb and Staff Sgt. Wilson to the range where they got to show off their skills with multiple weapons. Today is the final day of the Region V Best Warrior! Follow our friends at @nenationalguard for live updates throughout the day! *ArmyBestSquad *BestWarrior *NationalGuard *ArmyNationalGuard *Oklahoma *OKGuard *OklahomaNationalGuard *AlwaysReady *AlwaysThere | Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:01・
Day 3 of the @us.nationalguard Region V Best Warrior took Spc. Holcomb and Staff Sgt. Wilson to the range where they got to show off their skills with multiple weapons. Today is the final day of the Region V Best Warrior! Follow our friends at @nenationalguard for live updates throughout the day! *ArmyBestSquad *BestWarrior *NationalGuard *ArmyNationalGuard *Oklahoma *OKGuard *OklahomaNationalGuard *AlwaysReady *AlwaysThere | Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:08・
Adjutant General for Oklahoma updates the force on COVID vaccine mandate ▶2:08・
Adjutant General for Oklahoma updates the force on COVID vaccine mandate ▶1:22・
How the Heck do you run properly ▶2:55・
A Reason for Giving Thanks: Infantry Unit Returns from Ukraine ▶1:13:00・
A Reason for Giving Thanks: Infantry Unit Returns from Ukraine ▶20:23・
Oklahoma Guardsmen Begin Southwest Border Mission ▶1:03・
How the Surface Maintenance Management Office keeps the OKGuard rolling along ▶9:52・
How the Surface Maintenance Management Office keeps the OKGuard rolling along ▶1:01・
Oklahoma National Guard helping combat coronavirus ▶0:20・
Oklahoma Army National Guard promotes first female to general officer ▶1:01・
Oklahoma Army National Guard promotes first female to general officer ▶5:57・
Oklahoma National Guard participates in MASCAL training event ▶1:39・
Oklahoma National Guard participates in MASCAL training event ▶1:40・
145th Army Band performs with the Pride of Oklahoma ▶1:01・
*OKGuard 145th Army Band took... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:01・
*OKGuard 145th Army Band took... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶1:48・
Oklahoma National Guardsmen help long-term care facilities fight COVID-19 ▶1:24・
Oklahoma National Guardsmen help long-term care facilities fight COVID-19 ▶12:55・
Oklahoma National Guard Soldiers perform vehicle recovery operations at Western Strike ▶2:45・
Oklahoma National Guard Soldiers perform vehicle recovery operations at Western Strike ▶12:57・
Oklahoma National Guard’s civil support team commander recognizes Airmen for COVID-19 response ▶3:01・
Oklahoma National Guard’s civil support team commander recognizes Airmen for COVID-19 response ▶1:48・
60 Second Service Member with Capt. Brianna Judkins ▶0:46・
25 Years Remembered, Reflecting on the Oklahoma City Bombing ▶1:58・
25 Years Remembered, Reflecting on the Oklahoma City Bombing ▶2:36・
60 Second Service Member with Capt. Leo Flores ▶1:14・
63rd Civil Support Team trains alongside Yukon first responders ▶1:58・
63rd Civil Support Team trains alongside Yukon first responders ▶・
Responding to COVID-19: the past, present and future of Oklahoma National Guard operations ▶・
Responding to COVID-19: the past, present and future of Oklahoma National Guard operations ▶・
OK Guard helping with coronavirus outbreak ▶・
60 Second Service Member with Sgt. Emma Ayala ▶・
Guardsmen test combat livesaver skills ▶・
Still on the fence about OCS?... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶・
Simultaneous Membership Program ▶・
"It's more important about what... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶・
"It's more important about what... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶・
Maj. Gen. Thompson Message to the Force on Afghanistan ▶・
Oklahoma Army National Guard welcomes newly commissioned leaders ▶・
Oklahoma Army National Guard welcomes newly commissioned leaders ▶・
What a surprise! *WelcomeHome,... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶・
What a surprise! *WelcomeHome,... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶・
Oklahoma National Guard Response to Hurricane Katrina ▶・
Citizen-Soldiers vie to become National Guard Best Warrior 2019 ▶・
Citizen-Soldiers vie to become National Guard Best Warrior 2019 ▶・
Soldiers sling loading water pumps ▶・
60 Second Service Member with Senior Master Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson ▶・
60 Second Service Member with Senior Master Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson ▶・
Oklahoma Guard chaplain baptizes Soldiers during Western Strike ▶・
Oklahoma Guard chaplain baptizes Soldiers during Western Strike ▶・
Oklahoma OCS Video Series - What does it take? ▶・
What does Veterans Day mean to you? ▶・
The Old Guard | Official Trailer | Netflix ▶・
SAAPM Event 2021 ▶・
Introduction to the Oklahoma National Guard's Family Program Office ▶・
Introduction to the Oklahoma National Guard's Family Program Office ▶・
We respond to floods, fires,... - Oklahoma National Guard ▶・
NORDISK 【ノルディスク】 Utgard 13.2 (ウトガルド13.2) 「オレンジアウトドアショップ」 ▶・
NORDISK 【ノルディスク】 Utgard 13.2 (ウトガルド13.2) 「オレンジアウトドアショップ」 ▶・
60 Second Servicemember - January ▶・
Happy Holidays from 1245th Transportation Company! ▶・
60 Second Service Member with Sgt. Austin Vogt ▶・
A Native Guard ▶・
OneGuard is the all-in-one mosquito solution + more ▶・
Oklahoma National Guard headlines for 2018 ▶・
Cpl. Sam Helsloot, of... - 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team ▶・
60 Second Service Member with Capt. Shanti Simon ▶・
Oklahoma Guardsmen respond to weather emergencies ▶・
The Old Guard - Official Trailer - Netflix ▶・
OKGuard GOLD Program Annual Training ▶・
【猛暑対策】OGKカブトエクシード別売品UICシールド開封【レビュー】 ▶・
【猛暑対策】OGKカブトエクシード別売品UICシールド開封【レビュー】 ▶・
OnGuard Smart Quick Start Tutorial ▶・
OGK Kabuto EXCEED(カブト・エクシード) を購入 開封&ASAGIと比較編 ▶・
OGK Kabuto EXCEED(カブト・エクシード) を購入 開封&ASAGIと比較編 ▶・
63rd Civil Support Team Competes for title of Best CST ▶・
Soldiers sling load water pump during *OKNGFlood2019 ▶・
Staff Sgt. Brock Wilson and Spc. Johnson Holcomb are representing your *OKGuard at the @us.nationalguard Region V Best Warrior Competition hosted by the @nenationalguard. Stay tuned as we get photos and video from the competition! Be sure to cheer these two Citizen-Soldiers on as they compete to be named the Region V Best NCO and Best Soldier!! *Oklahoma *competition *Soldier *bestwarrior *ArmyBestSquad | Oklahoma National Guard ▶・
Staff Sgt. Brock Wilson and Spc. Johnson Holcomb are representing your *OKGuard at the @us.nationalguard Region V Best Warrior Competition hosted by the @nenationalguard. Stay tuned as we get photos and video from the competition! Be sure to cheer these two Citizen-Soldiers on as they compete to be named the Region V Best NCO and Best Soldier!! *Oklahoma *competition *Soldier *bestwarrior *ArmyBestSquad | Oklahoma National Guard ▶・
OKGuard Best Warrior 2024.mp4 ▶・
Oklahoma servicewomen remember past, celebrate future of women in U.S. military ▶・
Oklahoma servicewomen remember past, celebrate future of women in U.S. military ▶・
Oklahoma National Guardsmen support Department of Health at Strategic National Stockpile ▶・
Oklahoma National Guardsmen support Department of Health at Strategic National Stockpile ▶・
Celebrating Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month ▶ >>次へNext
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